
Fibromyalgia Lawyers in Ontario

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread pain. According to the Arthritis Society, fibromyalgia is an impairment of a pain processing mechanism in the central nervous system.

Has Your Long-term Disability Insurer Denied Your Claim?

We are experienced and dedicated Disability lawyers.

Serving all of Ontario.

More about Fibromyalgia claims

We understand how difficult it is to experience a chronic pain condition. We have assisted many clients with their denied disability claims for fibromyalgia. 

Fibromyalgia typically affects more women than men and can occur without any precipitating event or cause. The onset of fibromyalgia can also occur after illness, infection, surgery or psychological stress/trauma.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is referred to as an “invisible illness”, because it cannot be detected on an x-ray, CT scan, or by blood test.

What are Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

  • Pain – felt as increased sensitivity to pressure, especially around muscles and joints, the pressure is interpreted as pain.
  • Tiredness/Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Memory issues
  • Mood difficulties (some people have anxiety and/or depression)
  • Headaches & sensitivity to lights, sounds, smells
  • Stomach issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The symptoms of fibromyalgia can interfere with a person’s ability to work or function, and perform his or her daily activities.

Can you fight your insurer's decision?

If your claim for disability benefits has been denied, you can fight your insurer’s decision. Our lawyers have represented many clients with fibromyalgia successfully resolve their denied short-term and long-term disability claims. Our lawyers available to speak with you and answer your questions.

Answers to commonly asked questions

  • Is Fibromyalgia considered a disability in Canada?

    Yes. Fibromyalgia is considered a liability in Canada that qualifies people for benefits.

  • What do I need to make a claim?

    Fibromyalgia is an invisible illness, making it hard to get disability benefits. It’s also hard to diagnose. You will need medical documentation proving the seriousness of it and your inability to work. In addition, some insurance companies may want to see any treatment plans you have done and future treatment plans. Having a fibromyalgia diagnosis from a medical specialist, such as a rheumatologist or physiatrist, as opposed to a GP, will also help and may be necessary.

  • What are some common reasons why a claim will be denied?

    There are two main reasons for a Fibromyalgia claim to be denied; not having enough medical evidence, and not seeking or following medical treatment.

  • What are some of the treatments for Fibromyalgia?

    There are a variety of treatments and therapies that can be done to help people living with Fibromyalgia to live a better life. These include:

    • Over-the-counter pain medication
    • Prescribed muscle relaxants 
    • Physical therapy
    • Occupational therapy
    • Yoga therapy
    • Counselling or psychotherapy
  • What types of disability benefits can I get for Fibromyalgia?

    There are a few options for disability benefits for people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in Ontario.

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